PASMA Operator's Code of Practice

Scaffold towers are used every day, across the world, by people in all sorts of professions. They’re a popular way to work at height safely and efficiently, allowing the user quick and easy access to areas that are otherwise out of reach. But it’s crucial that they are used correctly.

Download the PASMA Operator’s Code of Practice

This serves as a comprehensive, good practice guide for assembling, using, altering and dismantling scaffold towers. This latest revision reflects the state of the art in the industry and changes to product standards. It builds on earlier work to ensure that no one assembling or working on a scaffold tower needs to stand on an unguarded platform.

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Copyright Notice for PASMA Code of Practice

PASMA Code of Practice – Published 2019 (Revision 13)
© PASMA 2023. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
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Page last updated 19/06/23